Caring Cards From Capo


We are a ministry that gives you the opportunity to greatly impact people’s lives by sending meaningful cards to the body of Christ here at CBC. Life is full of ups and downs and we want to be a source of love and encouragement for people in all walks of life! Whether you want to be a part of the ministry, or request a custom card for someone who needs encouragement, we invite you to join us in spreading the love of Christ to our church community! Click the link below to request a custom card!

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24

Request a Custom Caring Card

How do I get Involved?

Step 1

Volunteers will be notified by the church when a card is needed.

Step 2

Volunteers will either make a card or purchase one from the CBC Bookstore that is appropriate for the occasion.

Examples Include:

  • Poetry
  • Scripture verses
  • Special thoughts and prayers
Step 3

Sign the card from you and your CBC family, then pray for the recipient.

Step 4

Place the card into the mailbox outside of the CBC Bookstore, unsealed.

Staff will address and mail the card for you!
