Our International Initiatives

Dominican Republic - Niños de la Luz

In 1992, as an eager young couple, Jon and Shannon Haslett came before the church leadership with a bold request. After some ministry experiences in Africa and the Philippines, they got married, and were presented with the overwhelming heartache of starving and homeless children in Latin America. With this passion moving them, they sought the support of CBC to send them off. They moved to Caracas, Venezuela, and began meeting with street kids every morning to feed them. One hungry hand grew to 50, and two dedicated missionaries grew to a throng of volunteers.

The Haslett’s ministry, Niños de la Luz (Children of the Light), is now a nationally recognized organization committed to helping children at risk in Venezuela. Their ministry location in Caracas, called the Lighthouse Ranch, has three homes open to kids who have been rescued off the streets. In addition, a half-way transition home has been opened up in the heart of the city to reach out to the kids who are ready to leave the street life behind.

In 2003, the Hasletts were again prompted by God to spread their ministry. They moved to the Dominican Republic to begin the next phase of their street children outreach. They established a life skills school, open to all children at risk throughout Latin America. Currently, Jon and Shannon live in the Dominican Republic managing the La Baliza Life Navigation School where they disciple, guide, and equip young men and women to become active, Christ-centered people in their communities.

If you feel called to financially contribute toward the work being done through Niños de la Luz, please click the button below or simply text “CBCMISSIONS” to 77977.


Mexico - Casa de la Esperanza

A House of Hope

Casa de la Esperanza is an orphanage located in Tijuana, Baja California. Casa is home to an average of 60 children and 10 workers. The primary mission of our ministry is to show the children, and those who care for them, the love of Jesus Christ through regularly scheduled visits. These visits allow us the opportunity to share Christ’s love with our consistency, playing with, holding, and engaging the children in activities, and by providing them a safe, clean and healthy home with ongoing maintenance and construction projects.It is so wonderful to build relationships with these children by visiting consistently.


If you feel called to financially contribute toward the work being done at Casa de la Esperanza, please click the button below or simply text “CBCCASA” to 77977.


Russia - Orphanage Ministry


Many children in this vast and complex country are “social orphans.” While some have lost parents to death, many have been orphaned because of alcohol abuse, economic, or other social factors. In many areas of Russian society, the word “orphan” is often synonymous with “worthless.”

Life in an institution has left them completely unprepared to manage simple tasks of life – or make good choices about relationships, who to trust, or how to spend their time. No guidance and no accountability means no compass. Orphaned girls are especially vulnerable to prostitution and sex trafficking.

Over the past decade, Capo Beach Church has partnered with three specific orphanages in the Kostroma region. These orphanages have become virtual extensions of our own church as our members have directly sponsored hundreds of these orphans. As a community, we not only engage with these orphanages through sponsorship, but also through trips, which gives us the opportunity to be physical reminders to the children that there is an entire church body who loves them, prays for them and has a vested interest in their lives.

If you feel called to financially contribute toward the work being done in Russia, please click the button below or simply text “CBCMISSIONS” to 77977.



How can you help?

Sponsor a Child

Sponsoring one of the Russian orphans through Children’s HopeChest will help provide access to a better environment, improved health, tutoring, and age appropriate Bible training.  The one-to-one connection through letter writing between you and the child you sponsor will allow you to offer encouragement, guidance, and the love of Jesus Christ as few other adults ever will.

Email CraigW@capobeachchurch.com to start.


Swaziland - Carepoint Ministry


This small country in Africa has the highest rate of HIV/AIDS in the world, giving it the name “Nation of Orphans.” Generations of people in this country have been decimated by AIDS, leaving many children orphaned and alone without anyone to call mom or dad. Twelve percent of the total population are considered to be orphans. The average person in Swaziland only lives to be about 28 years old.

Because there are virtually no orphanages or children’s homes in Swaziland, these children are literally left to fend for themselves without any means of survival. Widely held myths and misunderstandings about AIDS have left many girls vulnerable to sexual abuse and infection of HIV. Young children throughout Swaziland are often found to be the head of the household, caring for all their younger siblings, and other children who have no one. Orphans are left susceptible to malnutrition, disease, and abuse. Children roam the streets unclothed and hungry looking for answers and for someone to care for them. Due to this harsh reality, Capo Beach Church and Children’s Hopechest have created a place for orphans to find refuge, a place to be loved and fed … a CarePoint.




If you feel called to financially contribute toward the work being done in Swaziland, please click the button below or simply text “CBCMISSIONS” to 77977.



How can you help?



Sponsoring one of the Swazi children through Children’s HopeChest will help provide access to a better environment, improved health, tutoring, and age appropriate Bible training. You will be able to build a relationship with your sponsored child. Like other children, orphans need adult input. The one-to-one connection through letter writing between you and the child you sponsor will allow you to offer encouragement, guidance, and the love of Jesus Christ as few other adults ever will.

Start Here


We visit the Swaziland every other year. Please consider joining us on our next trip and stayed tuned for more details!