About the Art Ministry

The Art ministry here at Capo Beach Church was created over 30 years ago by local artists Dan Snipes. Ray Frieze! Over the past 30 years we have showcased over 40+ artists in our church hallway. We believe there is beauty in all of God's creation and love to find ways to show it off! By opening up the walls of our church, it has allowed countless artists to display to our local community the gifts and abilities God has blessed them with.

Meet The Artsist

Cyrus Djahanchahi

As an emerging artist, I have always been drawn to the world of modern art. From ayoung age, I immersed myself in neon painting, experimenting with various mediumssuch as watercolor and oil. My passion for art continued during my time at a boardingschool with an extensive art program. Despite spending most of my life in relativesilence, I recently decided to showcase my work publicly. Over the past year, I’veexhibited my Art, watercolors, and neon paintings, taking my first steps toward amore visible and fulfilling artistic career.


Lauren Duplissey

Lauren Duplissey can’t remember a time when she wasn’t passionate about art. As achild, God planted a seed that took root in her early teenage years, although shestruggled to find subject matter.After an encounter with Jesus, Lauren was unexpectedly born again in 2020. Sincethen, the Lord has filled her with His spirit which she pours into her art, her subjectmatter now appearing to her in visions from His heart. Their meaning is at first amystery that God slowly unravels, whispering His intentions as she paints. This isLauren’s favorite time with her Father, spent listening to Him as He ministers to herthrough these hours together.Now a graduate from Laguna College of Art and Design and, more importantly,partnered with God, her desire is to spread the light of the character of Jesus and HisWord through paintings until she goes to live with Him forever. Lauren paints in oils.


Dianna Garcia

I have been creating art in some form for as long as I can remember. My paintingjourney began with tole painting. From there I discovered my love for capturinglandscapes, still life, and portraits, often from photos I have taken, using oils, acrylics,pastels and charcoal. Capturing glimpses of the beautiful world through color, as wellas black and white, is so rewarding and enjoyable. I hope to share this through myart.I am grateful for all of the drawing and painting instructors at UC Davis, PalomarCollege, UCSD, Poway Adult Education, and Emeritus at Saddleback College. DannyGriego, a talented artist and wonderful instructor, inspired me to really see values andshapes. I have read the Kevin Macpherson’s art books he recommended severaltimes.When I am not painting, I enjoy spending time with my family, substitute teaching,cuddling with my puppy, playing tennis and reading. I hope that you enjoy my work!


Anka Haczkiewicz

As Anka likes to put it: "I was born into the gray world of Communism in Polandand then reborn in the color world of Capitalism in the United States." It's anaccurate description of the life and enthusiasm that Anka brings to any project orencounter you have with her. She is a modern-day Renaissance woman withPolish roots and an endearing accent. Her main goal as an artist is to tell magicalstories through art that brings all her talents together.She exhibits in many cities in Poland, as well as Chicago, New York and now in atown that she likes to call her new home, San Clemente in California.“My Sky Notes is a series of paintings that capture the sky from San Clemente beachever since I moved to San Clemente from New York back in Feb of 2021. This has beenmy way to reconnect with myself and nature. In My Sky Notes, I set out to capture thebeautiful symphony of emotions that the sky gives us each day. I want to note thefeelings and the power that the sky has as an unlimited place in our atmosphere andouter space. I like to think of my work as an impressionist/expressionist. What isfascinating about painting a subject like the sky is the constant change. The sky cantell millions of stories and display a million feelings in minutes and even seconds. Capturing all the emotions with a brush is the most challenging, but when achieved,it’s the most satisfying. I am trying to bring the emotions of the sky to life. Thepaintings are quick notes - documents of what surrounds us daily - a reminder to lookup and connect with the world as time is passing. These notes are my ode to the ever-evaporating nature of humanity and life.”


Ministry Contact

Nevine Erian

How to Get Involved