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Capo Beach Church Preschool

Welcome to CBC Preschool!

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”  Luke 18:16


Mission Statement

Putting kids in touch with God through the introduction of His love and the instruction of His word.



Capo Beach Church Preschool would like to say thank you for your interest in our school. This is an extremely important time for your child as these early learning years set the tone for their future education. It is our goal to make your child’s first educational experience a positive one by providing them with many concrete activities that will help them develop the fundamental skills that will lead to successful learning. We will do this through Christ centered teaching and age appropriate activities all while in a fun, loving, and nurturing environment.

Our program is also designed to foster a positive relationship with God, friends, and their teachers so they will transform into lovers of Christ, leaders amongst their peers, and joyful learners. We will do this by modeling biblical principals through our guidance and attitudes in our daily lives.

Our preschool staff is made up of qualified Christian educators who have a passion for teaching young children and are committed to provide a safe environment that will encourage your child to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

In closing, I hope that you consider Capo Beach Church Preschool as your child’s first learning experience. Thank you for taking the time to visit our school. We hope that all of your questions have been answered. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call the preschool office at (949) 443-1316 or email me at


Capo Beach Church Preschool

Get to Know Us

Click the button below to meet our amazing teachers. These women devote so much love and care to the kids and serve as leaders academically, emotionally, and spiritually!

Meet Our Staff

Did You Know We Have Our Very Own Blog?

Our blog is updated multiple times per month with new information and content about what your kids are learning! Click the link below to see what your kids are up to !

Visit Our Blog

Take a Virtual Tour

Are you interested in joining the CBC Preschool? We'd love to show you around, however, in person tours are not available given the current circumstances with COVID-19. Although we can't walk you around our campus in person, we have created an amazing virtual tour of the school where you will see our classrooms and hear from each of our preschool teachers to learn a little bit more about us! Click the button below to take a virtual tour!

Virtual Tour

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