Male Volunteer for Middle School on Campus Ministry Opportunity – Mission Viejo
We are looking for one or more male leaders to help lead a lunchtime non-denominational Middle School Bible Club at La Paz Middle School in Mission Viejo. This Club has been meeting for several years and we had a couple of local youth pastors that due to other church obligations, are not able to continue leading.
The time of the Club is from 12:26 to 1:06 every Tuesday afternoon, except for school breaks and holidays, of course. We arrive at about 12:15 and we are there until about 1:15. We are looking for anyone who has a passion for students and helping them come to know Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him. The curriculum is provided for us and written by CEF. If you are interested, or know anyone who might be, please contact us.
Sue Olson, Director
Child Evangelism Fellowship – Orange Coast Chapter (serving south Orange County)
(949) 614-3152